Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cheers! To Something New

Hi. It's me again. You know, the girl who doesn't know what she's supposed to do with herself! I know I want to have a fulfilling life & I heart to learn and get involved in new things. Especially those that interest me. I don't know if it is that I'm really that fickled, or if I am just trying to find my own way. It is very true that I find myself getting into new 'ventures' - learning spanish, trying to figure out sign language, exercise & fitness, interior design, sewing, picking the guitar, bouldering, oh.... and then there was that time I tried to learn to knit. The honest truth is that I will start a project & then forget about it. Deep down {even in college} I was very interested in computers & graphic design. I never thought I was 'artsy' enough to persue. So, since I couldn't narrow down what I wanted to do with myself {ahem, at 18} I chose Business Managment. Sometimes I need a little creativity. So, here's to me trying to learn about graphic design!

I think that this blog will {hopefully} be an inspiration for me to network, post progress, & grow. Who knows...maybe I will love it and be lucky enough for it to be a full time career for me. Or, I can do it on the side, or just use it as an outlet for my creative ideas.

I am creative aren't I? Maybe I'll just have to see.

Now - where in the world do I start?

1 comment:

  1. You are very creative...If you need any help with graphic designing, please let me know...I'd love to "take you under my wing" and teach you what I know...I'd love to add you as a designer one day as well!
